Who’s who

Simon Berry

Simon Berry


Simon is the ordained leader at St George’s. He preaches most Sundays and leads Christianity Explored and Discipleship Explored. Simon is married to Fran.

Email stgeorgebecontree@gmail.com

Matt Harvey


Matt is our lay assistant minister. Matt is involved in most aspects of church life, working alongside our minister. Matt is married to Sarah.

Email: assistantminister.stgeorgeb@gmail.com

We are recruiting a new Children’s and Families worker.

Maz Hashem Morales & Phil Chipp


As wardens, Maz and Phil share the leadership of the church with our minister and take responsibility for the building and site. Churchwardens are elected every year.

Simon Jordan

Simon Jordan


As treasurer, Simon takes the lead on financial matters, including giving, reporting, and keeping in touch with supporters and partners.

Parochial Church Council

The PCC has responsibility with the minister for legal, financial and safeguarding matters. The PCC is chaired by the minister and PCC members are elected to serve a 3-year term. There are currently 6 women and men on the PCC, in addition to our two churchwardens.